Cottonwood, Az (928) 639-0805
$ 7.95
Let's all shout out to this stunning indigo purple glitter with a brilliant holographic sparkle!...
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$ 4.95
This vibrant purple glitter is as bold as it is sweet. The larger .040 cut...
Like the vast lavender fields of the French countryside, Eiffel is a blend of soft...
$ 44.95
How did Victorians decorate their homes for Christmas? Victorians decorated their fresh-cut evergreen trees with beads,...
$ 1.50
A mix of purple and green. The green in the mix is a matte glitter...
The older English term for a lavish meal was a feast and "banquet" originally meant a...
$ 34.95
$ 6.95
Need some purple with a hint of neon? Well you've come to the right place....
Stuck between a rock and a hard place? Try this beautiful purple glitter to shine...